Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mercredi: the Louvre!

Ali: One word: Humongous. We descended the elevators of the I.M. Pei's pyramid-inspired atrium around 1 o'clock had a quick lunch and emerged not until 8 at night. We started in the hall of European sculptures, journeying to the ancient civilizations of the middle east, and ascending to the Rubens and his northern European counterparts. I quite lost my patience by the time we hit 18th century French painters, mostly because I was hungry. After lunch we decided to get the mona lisa over and done with. Quite a mad house she stares back at. I enjoyed Delacroix and then the Greek sculptures much more. At the Venus de Milo, all the women were having their picture taken with her, so I thought I would too. It turns out the de Milo might not even be a Venus. Minerva or Diana is a better role model for women anyway.
The Louvre is just way too big to do in one day, even for a pretty patient person like myself, but we managed to hit the major works and then some without succumbing to a "one look, take a picture, and move on" method. Taking the time to sit down and study one painting or sculpture is much more rewarding than giving a five-second glance to a hundred of them.

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