Friday, July 2, 2010


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Ani: Yesterday we took the bus from Tooting to Wimbledon. We got there and Ali wanted to leave and come back later, but I thought that while we were there we may as well go in. It's lucky we did, because these two rich-looking ladies gave us their tickets to Centre Court. First we watched a gentleman's doubles match. I can't remember all of their names, but it was Schwank vs. Lindstedt. I don't even know what country they were from. It was an interesting game. It took me a little while to figure out the game, but then I remembered what all the funny words (love, deuce, etc.) meant.

ew a moth just fell on me.

Anyway. After that it was announced that Kournikova and Hingis would be playing (woman's doubles) against Sukova and Temesvari. I didn't realise why the crowd was so excited at first. The names Hingis and Kournikova sounded familiar, but Ali had to tell me that they were pretty famous and that's why everyone was so excited. Fair enough! It was an excellent game. The women were far more entertaining than the men because they really had a sense of humour about the competition and interacted with the audience a bit.

I got up at the end of one game to get a closer picture, but I was told by a female gaurd that you're not allowed to move closer. Tennis crowds are so quiet and well-organized. I guess the game requires so much concentration. Still, some guys yelled out to the players a few times. Most of the spectators were so well dressed- really preppy and expensive looking! I felt a bit out of place in my shorts and t-shirt.

We didn't get any autographs. It's not like the players were just walking around anywhere.

All in all, the experience of Wimbledon made me appreciate tennis much more. It also made me wish I could get a really nice tan like Kournikova. We were so lucky to be at the right place at the right time and get those tickets for Centre Court! The tickets were worth 85 pounds each and we got them free! It was kind of surreal to be right there in the middle of everything, it's something most people only ever see on television. If I ever go again, though, I'll know to dress up.

Note to Roy: We got your official tennis balls and some other neat stuff! Man, you would have had so much fun so you better visit me next year and see for yourself!

p.s. Ali is asleep, maybe she'll add her entry tomorrow. Today I searched around Tooting for boxes (I don't know how many convenience stores I entered, asking for cardboard boxes). Tomorrow is the day the moving man & van come and all my junk gets put in storage. THEN IT IS OFF TO CAMBRIDGE! Ali stayed back and read her books. I was exhausted after packing all my stuff. I actually still have more to pack so I better go now.

Ali: Today is actually Saturday, but we didn't do much, just helped Ani move everything to the storage place. Got lots of exercise carrying down her boxes 7 flights of stairs since the lifts were broken. Thursday was definitely the highlight of the week. Wimbledon was outstanding. I was content to walk around the venue and catch a game on one of the smaller courts, but as Ani already related, two ladies in sundresses handed us their 85 pound (that's about 110 US dollars? me thinks)center court tickets. Although we missed Serena's match and Ani's boyfriend Nadal wasn't playing that day, we got to see Hingis and Kournikova smash their opponents in straight sets. Roy, watching it live is at least 100x better than watching it on the'll have to make it out to Wimbledon one day for sure.

Tomorrow we are off to Cambridge! Can't wait to meet other people. It's been just me and Ani the whole week, I'm actually surprised we are not completely sick of each other yet.

view all pics at our photobucket album: Alianiadventure

1 comment:

  1. Talk about great timing and luck - Centre Court tickets! So where was your 'Guam' sign?

    Rotten luck though with the lifts, but think of it as a good workout. Do you have pictures of you on the outside of Furzedown?

    Take lots of pics of Cambridge - btw, does it remind you of Yale?
